The 9th Africa Animal Welfare Conference - Action 2025

                                  Hotel Franco, Yoaunde, Cameroon

                                           28th - 30th July 2025

THEME: Strengthening Actions for Animal Welfare and Environment for a Sustainable Future and Resilient Planet.

Concept Note

1.  Introduction and Background

The Africa Animal Welfare Conference (AAWC) is an annual forum that brings together policymakers, researchers, practitioners, academia and other stakeholders to discuss and promote animal welfare and environmental sustainability in Africa. Over the past eight conferences, the conference has provided a platform for knowledge exchange, policy dialogue, and advocacy for integrating animal welfare into national, regional, and global development agendas.

The 9th edition of the AAWC comes at a crucial time when Africa is facing mounting challenges such as biodiversity loss, climate change, and unsustainable agricultural and industrial practices. Recognizing the intricate link between animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and human well-being, this year’s conference will focus on strengthening actions that contribute to a resilient planet and a sustainable future.

This year’s conference is planned to take place in Yaounde, Cameroon, from 28th to 30th July 2025. It will be a hybrid event comprising in-person attendance and live streaming for online participants. The proceedings will involve presentations on selected topics, speeches, panel discussions, and question-and-answer sessions.

From the 1st Conference that took place in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2017 to the 8th Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2024, many pertinent matters have been recorded as worthy of attention, including:

  • The recognition of a shared planet and destiny of animals, people, and the environment, hence the consideration of mainstreaming animal welfare and environmental matters in all aspects of development in Africa.
  • The need to promote sustainable production and consumption with sensitivity to animal welfare and the preservation of the environment.
  • The importance of pursuing partnerships with humanitarian agencies to improve animal welfare, especially for animals in disaster situations.
  • Recognizing that Africa is a young continent with a growing youth population, emphasizing the urgency of involving young people in environmental and animal welfare matters.
  • Acknowledging the responsibility of all human beings to improve the welfare of animals and protect the environment to achieve a healthier life on Earth for all species.
  • The necessity of strengthening animal welfare policies and legislation across the continent.
  • Urging African governments to adopt and encourage indigenous knowledge and cultural practices that include women and youth in advancing the animal welfare agenda.
  • Encouraging partnerships with institutions in different countries for mutual legal assistance, to establish joint multi-country investigations and prosecutions.
  • Urging African governments to fund the actualization and implementation of the Animal Welfare Strategy for Africa (AWSA) and encourage its integration into national development strategies and policies, while promoting sustainable management and utilization of fisheries and aquaculture resources.

The conference has complemented the work of the African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), which spearheaded the development of AWSA to consolidate efforts toward better animal welfare in Africa. During the 6th and 7th Africa Animal Welfare Conferences in Botswana and Rwanda, respectively, it was reported that African governments were at various stages of domesticating AWSA implementation, coordinated through the Africa Platform for Animal Welfare (APAW). In the 8th Africa Animal Welfare Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, AWSA was reiterated as a key framework in advancing animal welfare efforts across the African continent.

A significant milestone of the conference was the resolution process initiated at the 3rd Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2019. This led to the adoption of the Animal Welfare, Environment, Sustainable Development Nexus Resolution during the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2) in Nairobi in March 2022. Since its adoption, a scoping report has been developed highlighting methodologies, process and budget for the implementation of the resolution, and presented at UNEA 6. The report was also shared among member states and animal welfare focal points in each state are coordinating country responses.

2. Theme Rationale of the 9th Africa Animal Welfare Conference

The theme, “Strengthening Actions for Animal Welfare and Environment for a Sustainable Future and Resilient Planet,” underscores the urgent need for a holistic approach to sustainability that prioritizes the well-being of animals, ecosystems, and communities. It aligns with global frameworks such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, all of which emphasize ecological balance, responsible consumption, and environmental justice.

Africa hosts an incredible variety of ecosystems, ranging from expansive savannahs and dense rainforests to arid deserts and distinctive coastal regions. However, these ecosystems face significant threats due to climate change and human activities, leading to an alarming decline in biodiversity. A UNEP report titled “Nature at the Heart of Sustainable Development” highlights the inextricable link between human, animal, and environmental well-being, stating: “Ours is a connected planet. Health, food, economies, and the well-being of nearly 8 billion people and more than 8 million other species across diverse ecosystems constitute a web of life that is inextricably interlinked.” However, human activities have altered 75% of the planet’s land surface, 85% of its wetlands, and 66% of its oceans, undermining the very foundation of societies and economies.”

Biodiversity loss, much like climate change, poses an existential threat. These two crises are deeply interconnected and must be tackled together through a comprehensive approach that includes food systems. The 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, a key publication by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), warns that the rapid degradation of Earth's natural life-support systems endangers human society. The report estimated that approximately one million of the world’s eight million plant and animal species, including insects, face extinction. Nearly 40% of amphibian species and almost a third of marine species are at risk. Insect populations are also declining, with at least one in ten species threatened with extinction and some regions experiencing losses of up to 75% over 25 years. Since insects play a vital role in pollination, their decline threatens food security and results in significant economic losses.

It is critical to hold discourse on how Africa can mitigate these looming challenges, and advocate for sustainable and scalable solutions that are essential for safeguarding the continent’s natural heritage for future generations.

Sub themes

The conference will have interconnected sub themes as follows:

  • Climate Change and Animal Welfare: Exploring the impact of climate change on animal populations and ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity and Habitat Conservation: Strategies for protecting endangered species and restoring natural habitats.
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Ethical livestock production, plant-based alternatives, and responsible consumption.
  • Legislative and Policy Frameworks: Strengthening legal instruments to enhance animal welfare and environmental protection.
  • Community-Based Conservation: Case studies on local and indigenous approaches to sustainability.

3. Conference Objectives

3. Conference Objectives

The conference objectives are:

  1. Facilitate discussions on policies that integrate animal welfare into environmental conservation, climate adaptation, and sustainable development.
  2. Enhance partnerships between governments, civil society, academia, and the private sector to drive collective action for animal welfare and environmental sustainability.
  3. Showcase scientific findings and innovative solutions that address pressing animal welfare and environmental challenges.
  4. Highlight grassroots initiatives and indigenous knowledge systems that contribute to sustainable practices.
  5. Empower stakeholders with advocacy tools to promote ethical treatment of animals and environmental stewardship.
4. Conference Organizers and Participants
The AAWC 2025 is jointly organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), and the Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), supported by a Conference Organizing Committee and Secretariat. The conference will bring together government officials, researchers, academics, civil society representatives, and private sector players from across Africa and beyond.