Past Conferences

8th Africa Animal Welfare Conference (AAWC) - Action 2024

8th Africa Animal Welfare Conference (AAWC) - Action 2024

Dates: Date: 30th September - 2nd October 2024.

Conference Venue: United Nations Complex, Nairobi-Kenya and virtually through a Zoom platform

Conference Theme: Partnership Actions to Improve Animal Welfare and Environmental Sustainability

Conference Report - Click Here to download the 2024 Conference Report


Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts

Click here to download the conference programme and book abstract


Conference Presentations

Day One

  1. A Case Study of Working Donkey Welfare in Mwea Rice Belt Kenya - By Ms Jane Njuguna, Livestock Production Officer, Kirinyaga County Government, Kenya.
  2. Africa Animal Welfare Conference Impact Review: A Look at the Past Present and Future - By Dr David Obiero, Maasai Mara University
  3. Artificial Intelligence: AI Collaborations to Protect Animals and the Environment - By Ms Yolanda Eisenstein, President, Animal Law Commission.
  4. Continental Perspective on the Donkey Species in Africa - By Hiver Boussini, AU-IBAR
  5. Human-Animal interface in urban areas: A holistic approach to reducing the transmission of rabies in Masvingo, Zimbabwe - By Nancy Makuvice, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
  6. Implementing better training for veterinarians Resources and strategies - By Nick Jukes, InterNICHE, United Kingdom
  7. Implementing Farmed Animal Welfare Training: Successes, Experiences and Scale-Up - By Dr Kikiope Oluwarore, OHDI, Nigeria
  8. Just Transition from Industrial Animal Agriculture to Equitable, Humane and Sustainable Food Systems - By Dr Patrick Muinde, World Animal Protection
  9. Status of Egg Production in Africa - By Ms Aurelia Adhiambo, Africa Lead, Open Wing Alliance
  10. Sustainable plant-based food systems - By Abigail Mukonyo, Thrive Philanthropy
  11. Animal welfare perspectives from Asia - By Zhou Zunguo, Compassion in World Farming, China.

Day Two

  1. Animal welfare in development cooperation - By Karin Siegmund, WTS and Dr Jean Claude Masengesho, RAWO, Rwanda.
  2. Disaster preparedness and Response/Management in Animal Resource Sector in Africa - By Prof. James Wabacha, AU-IBAR
  3. Impact Assessment of the Africa Animal Welfare Conference (2017-2023) - By Dr David Obiero, Maasai Mara University, Department of Animal Health and Production, Kenya.
  4. Introduction to UNEP UNEP Governing bodies Structure and functions of UNEA - By Radhika Ochalik, UNEP
  5. Live Exportation of Animals by Sea: Animal Welfare Issues and The Shifting Trade Routes - By Dr Bryce Marock
  6. Opportunities for Major groups to Engage at UNEP and UNEA by David Ombis - By David Ombisi, UNEP
  7. Effects of floods on animal welfare in East Africa - By Dr Thomas Kahema, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Dr Dennis Bahati, Kenya
  8. The Outcomes of UNEA-6, preparations towards UNEA-7 and the role of Major Groups and Stakeholders - By Ulf Bjornholm, UNEP
  9. UNEP Accreditation Process - by Melissa Ngilandala, UNEP

Day Three

    1. Advancing farmed fish welfare in Africa: Lessons learned from Egypt and Kenya - By Wasseem Emam, Director, Ethical Seafood Research
    2. Africa Conservation Education Fund: an integrated conservation education model - By Dr Brenda Oliwa-Okumu, Eunice Robai, and Isaac Maina
    3. Animal Sentience and Policy - By Jim Karani, General Counsel at Lawyers for Animal Protection in Africa (LAPA)
    4. Clinical Approaches to the Rehabilitation of African Grey Parrots: A Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre (UWEC) Success Story from Rescue to Release - By Dr. Victor Musiime, Wildlife Veterinarian -UWEC
    5. Environmental Sustainability and Animal Welfare: Synergies and Challenges - By Dr Elynn Njeri – AU-IBAR
    6. Implementation of AWSA: A Stock taking Exercise on the Progress, Challenges and Interventions - By Dr Mwenda Mbaka, AU-IBAR
    7. Improving bird welfare and conservation in Africa: case of vultures - By Dr Paul Kariuki Ndang’ang’a, Regional Director-Africa, Birdlife International
    8. The power of storytelling and education to inspire empathy for nature - By Trish Sewe, Wildlife Direct, Kenya